Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding my footing

It's no surprise that I haven't blogged much since Zoey has been born. Heck 2011 didn't lead to much blogging. I guess I feel like I have lost my place.

When I started Funny Days Maddie was little and we spent our days crafting and cooking in part to keep her occupied and in part to keep my sane. It was a creative outlet for her and it helped me feel like I was doing something with my day as a stay at home mom.

Happy, happy, happy. We crafted, we cooked, we explored. Then I got pregnant and lost my umph. We still crafted and definitely cooked but blogging about it felt so ugh. So time consuming. Then I had Zoey and holy crap did I forget how demanding a newborn is!

Then things sort of settled down at the house. We got in our groove and I didn't feel like I was always drowning. THEN Maddie started school. Our days start at 7am and are super rushed to get ready for school. We walk back in the door at 3:30pm just in time for homework and dinner prep. Then dinner, then baths, then story time, then bed. That doesn't leave a lot of time for crafting. Our weekends are occupied with jamming in family fun since it feels like we don't really see each other during the week.

I suppose I could fit blogging into my day with Zoey. Probably. Err maybe. But what to write about? Do you really want to know that I made banana muffins today? Probably not. But if you do these ones ROCKED. What about the complete over haul of Maddie's bedroom? Eventful for us yes, but for you? Not so much.

I guess I am in sort of a transition area at the moment. Not quite sure what I want to do. I LIKE blogging. It's a nice outlet. I don't really have a chance to talk to adults most of the day and my blog used to be a nice little space for me to speak. This certainly isn't goodbye but I think I need to THINK about what is next for my little space here in the great wide interwebs. Thoughts?


Suzanne said...

I think blogging is EXACTLY where you should talk about your banana muffins and your room re-do. That's what it's for. I have really boring weeks where I hardly leave the house and post nothing but pictures of the kids and I have exciting weeks where I do fancy crafts tutorials and heavily researched posts and DEEP THOUGHTS. Isn't that why blogging is a thing - so we can share whatever we want?

Tiff said...

I have mostly been a silent reader of your blog for awhile now but I LOVE reading your blog! I too just had a baby last year and am struggling to find my groove in normal life as well as in the blogging world. I post when I can and it's mostly about dumb stuff people probably don't care about anyways (tried recipes, my kids, pictures, etc.). Lately with the new baby, I'm lucky if I post once a month and it's usually always about HER! Anyways, what I'm saying is blogging doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. I love looking at your pictures and reading about your family adventures, recipes & crafts!! You inspire me and I'd be so sad if you decided to stop blogging completely! Hang in there ~