Saturday, September 28, 2013

Long time, no blogging

Yikes! It appears I lost my way and completely neglected my little ole' space in the great big interwebs. I'm back though!

Life has been busy. Really busy. And strange, and stressful and complicated. Navy life ain't easy yo!

How about a quick update?

Madison (age 7, what?!) Is now in second grade in the gifted program. We created a smarty farty. She is now a brownie in Girl Scouts and into her 3rd season playing soccer. She's a crazy good artist and a nonstop talker. She's a teenage wannabe. You can find her dancing and singing Katy Perry songs daily. She loves her baby sister just as much as she loves to fight with her.

Zoey (age 2, yes terrible) Is my test in life. One minute she is professing her love for me and in the next she is trying to stab me with a fork because I'm not sharing my coffee with her. She knows mommy LOVES coffee and frequently brings me pretend cups of coffee. She is incredibly opinionated about her clothing choices, especially her love of leg warmers. She finds great joy in terrorizing both her sister and the dog.

Brandon (age, unknown) Is crazy busy at work. His sub the USS Minnesota was commissioned a few weeks ago meaning our summer was full of sea trials and the girls first time not having daddy around. The rest of the year is full of more underways and very little time at home. Pass the wine please!

Amanda (age, too old) Is exhausted. Let's just say solo parenting is exhausting, props out their to all the single parents because I can't imagine dealing with my crazies after a full days work too. I recently became a consultant for Thirty-One but have been a little distracted and haven't even managed to have my first party yet, oops! Why am I so busy you ask?

Well..... we are moving! Again! Our three (plus) years are up here in Virginia (THANK GOODNESS) and we are headed back to Connecticut in December. With Brandon's schedule, soccer, school and daily life thrown in there for good measure I'm sort of in denial about all the stuff I need to get done before we move.

With our upcoming move I'm feeling a new surge of excitement which is exactly what I need to get back to Funny Days. Stay tuned for some crafting projects and recipes!

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