Friday, September 4, 2009

Art Wall and Color Wheels

Maddie has been obsessed with her water colors lately and we tons of loose sheets of beautifully decorated paper everywhere! She desperately wants to display everything but I only have so much room in the kitchen so we put on our thinking caps and came up with a good solution, I think.

I picked up everything at Walmart: corkboard $8, 8x10 frames $3 each, 4x6 frames $1 each. So for $20 Maddie has her own little art corner in the living room and it still fits in with our decor.

We certainly couldn't but up a new art center without some new art! At the dentist this week I saw this super cute color wheel garland idea in a Family Fun magazine. Instead of tearing up some magazine we grabbed our scrap box and picked out some different shades of each color to work with.

Of course this was a big hit because glue was involved!

To help everything last a bit longer I coated each of the circles with an additional coat of glue.

What a perfect addition to our art wall!


Georgine said...

Glue is the best isn't it? Have you seen the colored glue? B uses it at school and loves it. I love your art all, it is perfect!

dnelms said...

Love the art wall - I have been thinking of doing this my son's room -thanks for the inspiration!!