Monday, March 30, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday!

Thank goodness today is a free for all day! Wednesday will be my grocery shopping day so we are down to the slim pickings right now, but we were still able to make a pretty good muffin tin lunch!

Top: celery sticks and ranch dressing, peach medley applesauce, a pink bunny peep!
Bottom: wheat crackers with peanut butter and raisins, mini bagel pizzas and mango jello

And today's winner is.....the mini bagel pizzas!

Mad came home from my dad's house this weekend with a giant bucket of fruity jello cups that she is completely in love with. We ended up dumping the whole bucket in the snack drawer in the fridge and they are dwindling fast!

Today also happens to be the big potty day in our house. Maddie has met all the 'requirements' I suppose you could say. She knows when she has gone, knows when she has to go and wants to be changed as soon as she goes. This is nothing new though for us. Maddie just gets to preoccupied with other things that she has no desire to use the potty but we are trying again this week. Over the weekend daddy bought another potty for the house (that would the 3rd one! goodness!) and we printed out a pooh bear potty chart to put stickers on.

This morning we broke out the big girl panties and I have to say the day is going pretty well. We have had one accident but two successful times on the potty. Yippee!! So hopefully (fingers crossed) Maddie wants to stick with it and keep trying.


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

Looks like a great tin, even with "slim pickins".

happy monday to you and maddie!

Bobbi & Noe said...

Love the potty jar!!!! I have a daughter who just turned 2 yesterday! Time to break out those panties soon~

Ally said...

I wish you lots of luck with the potty training!! =)

Toni said...

good luck on potty training we have always done the m&ms with traing my very much trained 4 year old still asks for them sometimes after he Love your blog lots of great ideas.

sarah in the woods said...

Those crackers look yummy and I love your heart-shaped jello. :)