Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Questioning: Part 2

Did you miss Part 1 when I told my dear daughter that I didn't know how the baby is going to get out? I was prepared this time! A few days ago Maddie once again asked the all important question.

Maddie: Where does the baby come out?
Me: Mommy's have special places called birth canals and when the baby is big enough mommy will push the baby out.
Maddie: Oh. Well how do you push?
Me: Kind of like going to the bathroom.
Maddie: How long are you going to be in the hospital?
Me: A day or two.
Maddie: Can I visit?
Me: Of course.
Maddie: For how long?
Me: As long as you want.
Maddie: Okay. I would like to visit for 7 minutes.

Jeez. If I knew the conversations was going to be that easy I could saved myself the embarrassment of being a big ole dummy last time! Hopefully this answer suffices. We shall see!


Christy Killoran said...

Too funny.

Amy said...

I want to visit for six minutes, please.

Anonymous said...

oo yay for it going smoothly!

Stacy said...

good job, Momma!

Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

Yay! Good work! (And P.S. OMG ouchie about hub's poor foot! You should see what happened to my hubby's hand a couple of months ago playing softball. His fingertip is STILL purple and his fingernail totally fell off - GROSS!)

Everyday Art said...

ha! like the time my 2-yr-old asked me what a virgin was (thank you very much Silent Night). Pretty much threw me for a loop. I was shocked with my cool response though--"a women who's body isn't ready to have a baby yet."

rachelle | tinkerlab said...

Haha!! Yesterday my 2 year old asked me how her baby sister got into my tummy. Hmmmm. I was not prepared for this, but she was satisfied when I told her that she started off as a teeny tiny seed. Until next time...