Friday, November 5, 2010

Gobbling Already

It's never to early to do a turkey craft right? Well it is November so I suppose it's acceptable AND our turkey is a bit nontraditional. 

After this weeks trip to the zoo Maddie decided she really wanted to make a turkey AND it had to be a girl turkey AND it had to be pretty.  At the zoo we were discussing how the boy peacocks have the pretty feather's so they can get lady friends and Maddie was less than impressed- according to her all the girls need to be pretty too. 

Of course I was anything but prepared for such a project but we made due. Maddie took care of coloring a paper plate brown and then due to my lack of pink and purple feathers we made do with some pipecleaners bent into shape.

To be noted: white school glue is really not the best choice for gluing pipecleaners.

Due to the very loooonnggg drying time involved we weren't able to finish the turkey until the next day but Maddie got her all gussied up with a pink head and the rest of the turkey necessities. 

In case you were wondering according to Maddie that wadded piece of pink paper in the turkey's beak is chocolate. All turkeys LOVE chocolate. Did you not know that?


Anonymous said...

The turkey turned out super cute!! Pipecleaners are the death of me.. I can never get them to stay glued!

Katie said...

That is so cute!

Christy Killoran said...

Adorable! My daughter would love to make a turkey like that too!!!

Elle Belles Bows said...

Love the craft! I still cannot believe it is November! Kerri