Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I lied.

Our typical morning routine was underway and Mad asked to be changed. As usual I asked her to grab a diaper from the bin in the living room but low and behold it was empty. As I ventured to the closet for more I decided in a flash I would lie.

That's right, that awful naughty thing.

I told Maddie we were all out of diapers. "Oops! Mad, so sorry but we are all out! I guess we can try a day in those big girl undies. What do you say?"

"Oh mom!!! I guess. Can I wear princess underwears?"

"Of course baby girl, oops! I mean super-big-underwear-wearing girl!"

Of course at this point she is looking at me like I am a loon. Off to the bathroom we go which has been set up and ready for kiddy pottying for months. We grab some princess undies and I suggest that she hop on the potty for just a bit while I run upstairs and grab a towel for accidents. Off I go. As I come back down she is shouting from the potty.

"Mommy! I dropped a little poopy in the potty, come see! Oh! I dropped more little poopies!"

That's right, minutes after my split second decision to lie to my child we have an inkling of success. So far the morning has been a success with no accidents. I have set the timer for anywhere from 25-40 minutes depending on her eating and drinking and when it goes off she happily jumps on the potty.

We printed out a new princess potty chart that she has been adding stickers to all morning and I am resisting doing a happy dance, I don't want to jinx it just yet! We have until next Tuesday before we have to leave the house so until then we shall be a t-shirt and undies house; hopefully.


Georgine said...

Well, smart Mommies lie a bit, you know. So cool!!! Dresses are what I recommend. T-shirt-y ones. Then you don't have to carry extra pants/shorts. Extra dresses fold easily. Hey, maybe she won't have accidents. Think Positively!!!! Congratulations to you and Maddie!!!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Awesome! We're doing the same thing here but still using pull-ups for nap and an overnight diaper for bedtime. E has the same undies (I think they're adorable, she loves the rainbow edging!) The big dress or nightgown and undies or buns has been the outfit of choice around here : )

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!! Girls are so much easier, she will get it. I agree with the dresses to start and nightgowns.