Have you been by Babalisme? Neither had I until a friend mentioned a super cute Halloweenie dress up doll printable!
How gosh darn cute is that!!! There was no hesitating for me I printed out cute little Halloweenie right away and set to work making it Madison friendly. Paper dolls last all of 1 minute in our house before they are forever destroyed so I made a few alterations so this one will last a little longer!
This is such a cute idea!
Adorable! I love it. I'm going to use this idea for Ashlyn once she is just a wee bit older. :)
I like how you made this durable. Halloweenie is one cute dress up doll that Madison is bound to get so much enjoyment from.
Sigh, this is what I call the perfect blogging synergy, I made something and my blog pal came out with something more exciting!! Thank you so much for sharing this! This will be an inspiration for moms everywhere! HUGS!
I know this was an old post, but do you still have the link. When I go to the link(babalisme) it directs me to a thing where i have to join the web page with a credit card. Is this a free printable?
Proud Mommy- yes the printables are FREE!
Ok thank you..maybe Im just doing it wrong. I will try try again!;)
What kind of magnets do you use? Is it sheet magnet or just little ones in the middle of the clothes?
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