I have mentioned before how much I L♥VE Martha Stewart's Pate Brissee {Pie Dough} recipe. Its amazing. Amazingly DELICIOUS. Well I figured it was time to break out the flour and whip up a special treat.
Pop Tarts have never been high on my list of favorites but when homemade tarts started popping up on the interwebs I knew it was something I HAD to try.
Really these couldn't be any easier to make. Step one make pie dough. Step two buy jelly/jam/preserves whatever tickles your fancy.
Now I am not all too particular with my measuring so I sort of winged it here and cut sorta straight lines in my rolled out pie dough. Basically make yourself some nice long rectangles so that when you fold them over they look like the you know whats.
Next up slap some jam on there. Easy enough. I figured I used about 2-3 tablespoons per tart but well I'm not very good at estimating that either. I used almost the entire jar of jam for the full batch of pie crust if that helps.
Next up dip your finger tip in a bit of water to moisten the edges, fold the dough over and crimp it closed with a fork. As Maddie says "easy peasy".
Don't forget your egg wash on top! Now you can certainly stop here and sprinkle your tarts with a bit of sprinkles before you toss them in the oven or you can....
Dress up with a bit of powdered sugar glaze when they get out!
I have to say these are WAY better anything out of a box!
**Okay well we just moved into our new house and that means new appliances. I set the oven at 350F to bake these but every time the timer went off I was some how turning off the stove so I really can't give you an exact baking time. I am thinking anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes would be great. Just keep an eye on them until they are nice and pie crust golden brown.**
Pop Tarts have never been high on my list of favorites but when homemade tarts started popping up on the interwebs I knew it was something I HAD to try.

Next up dip your finger tip in a bit of water to moisten the edges, fold the dough over and crimp it closed with a fork. As Maddie says "easy peasy".
I have to say these are WAY better anything out of a box!
**Okay well we just moved into our new house and that means new appliances. I set the oven at 350F to bake these but every time the timer went off I was some how turning off the stove so I really can't give you an exact baking time. I am thinking anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes would be great. Just keep an eye on them until they are nice and pie crust golden brown.**
I would love to try this ! They look great!
These look so yummy!
Ohhh They look good!
Our old stove used to do that if we had it on the bake setting but when you had it on oven the timer wouldnt turn the stove off. I never figured out what the bake setting would be good for.
What a great recipe you've got there!! I'll have to try these (possibly this weekend). When I do, I'll be sure to post a link back here for you. Thanks for the awesome idea!!!!
These look amazing! Love the sprinkles.
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